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What is The C Span Clamp?

Views: 8     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-05-09      Origin: Site

What is The C Span Clamp?

C Span clamp is used in drop cable installations as an attachment to the strand for either accepting the tail wire of Drop Wire Clamps, or for wrapping the support wire of drop cable. It can provide drop wire takeoffs along the span and relieve tension on the drop wire at this point. 

Main Features:

  • Hook and nut are made of high quality steel.

  • Clamping plates are made of high grade aluminum alloy, with a tensile strength of 45,000 P.S.I.

  • Tensile strength of the steel hook is 75,000 P.S.I.

  • Hook is a full 3/8” body and thread diameter, to eliminate nut stripping and snapping of hook.

  • Through controlled galvanizing, threads are sharp and clean, allowing the nut to turn easily.

  • Clamping range is 1/4” (6.6M) to 3/8” (10M) messenger strand.

  • Clamp is manufactured so the square shank on the stud fits a square hole in the clamping plates to prevent rotation when the nut is tightened.

  • Clamp hook will accommodate multiple drops.

  • R.E.A. accepted

How to Install C Span Clamp:

This clamp may be used in either suspended or lashed cable construction.

1. First of all, place Clamping plates on top of messenger strand.

2. Tighten clamping nut.

3. Then, insert drop wire, drop wire clamp or wire grip into the hook.

4. At last, pull drop wire against the hook toward the area where service is being installed.
